Remineralizador de Solo Multinutriente

KP Fértil is a remineralizer that contains important
nutrients that favor the growth and
development of plants:

Potassium (K): potassium is involved in several essential functions, including the function of regulating the opening and closing of stomata and meristematic growth. It activates enzymatic systems, participates in the synthesis and stability of proteins and carbohydrates, interferes with the constitution of firmness of the plant cell walls (turgor), acts on photosynthesis and regulates the translocation of nutrients in the plant
Phosphorus (P): Phosphorus has a structural and energetic function in cells, being fundamental for the growth of cultures and reproduction. It helps in the synthesis of nucleic acids, responsible for enzyme activation, acts in nitrogen fixation, participates in hormonal control for plant growth and is a determinant in the composition of starch, soluble protein, sucrose and glucose
Calcium (Ca): one of the main functions of calcium resides in the plant structure, as part of the cell wall. It also participates in enzymatic activation, helps in the bioavailability of molybdenum and other micronutrients, acts in pollen grain germination and tube growth pollen, and its lack affects root growth points
Magnesium (Mg): has a key function in the plant, being essential in the photosynthesis process, as it is a component of chlorophyll. It has other functions such as enzyme activator, nitrogen metabolism. It contributes to phosphorus absorption and affects amino acid synthesis and activation. As it is a very mobile element, it has an essential function for the growth and development of plants
Silicon (Si): silicon is a nutrient absorbed by the plant and is deposited on the cell walls of the epidermis, accumulating and contributing to strengthen the plant’s structure and increase resistance to lodging, improving the resistance response to the attack of pests and diseases, in addition to reducing sweating

Eficiencia comprovada por quem teve os melhores resultados

A aplicação do KP Fértil pode ser realizada de diversas formas, de acordo com a situação de cada cultura:

In the pits:

the application can be direct, incorporated or not in organic compost. It is suitable for perennial or semi-perennial crops

In grooves:

the application can be direct, incorporated or not in organic compost. It is suitable for perennial or semi-perennial crops

For composting:

addition of KP Fertil in the composting process, being a nutrient source for several cultures after the maturation period (curing).

Compost Barn:

KP Fértil is an extremely effective product to increase the nutrient content in the “bed” of cattle. Easy to apply, in powder and very dry, it is 1-time used during the formation of the “bed”. KP Fértil also has several benefits for this system as it does not contain sodium, chlorine and is practically free of heavy metals. This way, it has been helping many producers to make their own organic fertilizer in their farms